Posted on 16 Jun 2024 by Will Uncategorized

It's not easy being queen (of the numbats)! Here's how to get it working. First, get your IKE VPN stuff ready, like server certificate, client user/pass or certificate/key, server IP, etc.

Install all the needed packages. You'll notice that strongswan-plugin-eap-mschapv2 is no longer a package,...

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Posted on 21 Mar 2022 by Will Uncategorized

This is a copy-pasted and edited rant that was originally a series of chat messages but seemed worthwhile to save. HeatSync Labs is the hackerspace I helped co-found in 2009. Champions are HSL's name for chief board executives, and HYH or Hack Your Hackerspace is the regular member meeting where shop business is discussed and voted upon, and shop maintenance or projects are undertaken, with the goal of members self-governing rather than the Board issuing many top-down edicts or directly running many day-to-day programs.

HeatSync has survived for 13 years due to certain aspects of its self-sufficiency, altruism, and cooperativeness. One of the core jobs of the Champions is to attract and inspire people who want to give money, give time/energy, or both… to a ragtag bunch of tinkerers and underserved demographics like kids, low-income or underprivileged people, etc. So when we advertise and put calls for members or volunteers into the world, we try make it attract the right people. One of the fastest ways to kill a makerspace would be to be on the front page of a newspaper and have a thousand people show up at the front door thinking that this is a literal "build-a-bear" for 3d printing, or a daycare, because that's likely not what volunteers signed up for. The difference between the two is in the language and concepts used to advertise.

We've looked at having big sponsors, but nobody seems to have $5,000,000 laying around to help tinkerers tinker without strings attached. I don't think there's money in hackerspaces for the same reasons that there's no money in libraries or rec centers: the instant that you monetize it and turn it into a book store or a gym you lose something important.

The most valuable thing I know for an individual to do isn't hunting for big sponsors or setting up a grantwriting infrastructure, but just to inspire lots of other people to donate $50/mo: inspiring through your energy and actions.

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It took me way too long to figure out how to dump an xml document or xml node to a string (memory) or a file export in C, so here are some premade functions ready for use.

void xml\_node\_to\_file(char \*path, xmlDoc \*document, xmlNode \*node) {
    FILE \*f;
    f = fopen(path, "w");
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The fireplace

The part needing repair

With repeated operation, the heat safety switch / integrated thermostat can get a buildup of carbon (soot) on its contacts after a lot of usage. You'll know this could be the problem when the light bulb part of the fireplace works fine, but not the fan b...

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Posted on 03 Mar 2021 by Will Uncategorized

Here's a great way to search /aws/rds/cluster slowquery logs in CloudWatch for entries with a high "row examined" count:

parse @message "*Rows_examined: *\n*" as full, rows | display full, rows | filter rows > 200000 | fields @timestamp, @message | sort @timestamp desc | limit 20

Change "200000"...

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Posted on 17 Feb 2021 by Will Uncategorized

Photo of an Ergodox, with acrylic+wood case, elevated by almost an inch via rubber stoppers.

Why bother 3d printing a whole tenting kit when you can get away with something simple quick and cheap? I bought size 000 rubber stoppers, just under an inch tall and half an inch wide, from the hardware...

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Posted on 16 Feb 2021 by Will Uncategorized

There are some tricks to getting this working: using the wrong CalDAV URL, username, password, sync tool, or version can cause a lot of frustration. Here's what worked for me here in 2021.

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Posted on 14 Feb 2021 by Will Uncategorized

The Holmes HAPF21 (G) replacement air filter and the HAP222 itself has been discontinued, but if you still want to keep using it you can buy a Honeywell (or generic Flintar) HRF201B ("U") filter and cut it to size with scissors. It's almost exactly the same width and just a little bit longer, and as...

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Posted on 01 Feb 2021 by Will Uncategorized

If you get this error:

ImportError: cannot import name 'ogr' from 'osgeo'

The most likely cause, assuming you've tried to install osgeo directly, is that you installed osgeo from pip and got this package: https://pypi.org/project/osgeo/#history (osgeo-0.0.0-py3-none-any.whl) -- which, if you l...

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Posted on 16 Dec 2020 by Will Uncategorized

When I was a kid, my mom would make "Poor Man's Beef Stroganoff" with ground beef, mushroom soup, and no additional dairy. I kicked it up with steak tips and a bit of milk for the sauce but kept it affordable and easy.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 15 minutes
  • Total Time: 20 minutes
  • Y...
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Let me tell you a story. In my previous job I was the IT Manager at a real estate office. One of our construction guys always asked us questions about how to work his Blackberry smartphone. This guy was ten white hairs away from being a perfect church Santa Claus, like 75 years old, showed us pictur...

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Posted on 07 May 2020 by Will Uncategorized

[caption id="attachment_645" align="aligncenter" width="1080"]96251894_657806118376399_2454133916500823641_n Miso Ramen with gai lan (Chinese broccoli)[/caption]

  • Adapted from: Pickled Plum and Mike's Mighty Good
  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 2 servings
  • Category: Noodles
  • Metho...
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So for me it wasn't obvious, but when you're running make on the subscribe_publish_sample and getting a ton of warnings and errors like "exit 0" and "exec(exit) failed (No such file or directory)" and "Need an operator" and "Wildcard expanding .prevent_execution" it's because FreeBSD uses a diff...

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Posted on 30 Jan 2018 by Will Uncategorized

In order to laser-cut a map of middle earth for an art project, I first had to find a suitable vector. It seems a lot of the files online have disappeared. This one is simply a scan and vector trace of a rather-complete version of the original map, but extra painstaking work has been done to flatten...

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I got a bout of nostalgia the other day and decided that Phoenix (602, 480, 623) and Santa Rosa (707) needed Time and Temperature phone numbers again, in the retro style of the 90s and prior.

So if you need to hear a friendly robot voice, or want to know the weather or time, call:


... Continue Reading...
Posted on 15 May 2017 by Will Uncategorized

Recently some local coffee shops have seemingly begun to use routers provided by the ISP which hand out IPv6 addresses. Nobody else seems to have issues with this (even my phone seems fine) but my laptop is unhappy with the situation.

Initial debugging via ifconfig shows that I am only getting I...

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If you're seeing random sites pop up with transparency warnings, it's due to a new Chrome rollout of that requirement. However they've allegedly rolled it back, but Chromium users may be stuck on the strict version.



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Posted on 25 Oct 2016 by Will in Tech

Homemade WYSIWYG installations as part of homemade blog engines or CMSes remind me of that children's book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie."

If you give a user a blog_posts database table and three form fields, they're going to want to format things... like bold, headline, paragraphs, and links.

... Continue Reading...

I left our first DMV appointment practically empty-handed despite being a 30-year-old college-educated web programmer, and spending probably two hours researching and preparing for our DMV visit. If I got confused and forgot some necessary documents, I'm sure it's nearly impossible for most people w...

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Posted on 04 Nov 2015 by Will in Tech

If you're using Ansible with the AWS EC2 plugin ec2_eni and getting this error:

AttributeError: 'NetworkInterface' object has no attribute 'attach'

The problem is that the boto NetworkInterface object indeed does not have anything called "attach" -- you're probably using an old version of boto;...

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Warning, this alternative appears to be more reliable than mine, please visit here and ignore what's written below: https://github.com/johnboiles/BaofengUV5R-TRRS

[caption id="attachment_536" align="alignnone" width="1024"]aprs cable This cable follows the below diagram precisely; note the color-coded h...

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I got this error after adding an onKernelRequest listener to my Symfony project and trying to pass Twig_Environment to it as an argument. It worked via the web browser, but not in any PHPUnit tests hitting multiple pages.

After much head scratching and reading of the Symfony source code, I ended u...

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Using this as a guide ( http://wiki.rsyslog.com/index.php/Working_Apache_and_Rsyslog_configuration )  I was able to get Apache's access log, filtered, forwarding to my Papertrail instance (via syslog / rsyslog). It may be useful to someone:

Redhat/Centos httpd.conf and/or your virtualhost conf -...

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A lot of tutorials are showing you how to create embedded forms with associations/relations -- what about unrelated entities?

I figured out you can pass the second entity as a parameter to the parent form, pass it normally to the embedded form via the 'data' parameter, which will let the embedded...

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Posted on 21 Aug 2014 by Will Uncategorized

Sometimes you really need to know what computers on your network were doing yesterday at noon, because you get a nastygram from the MPAA about bittorrent demanding that you do something -- but bittorrent is notoriously hard to block.

You can try installing BandwidthD on your Pfsense router, to see...

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Posted on 09 Jul 2014 by Will Uncategorized

Sometimes you want to know if an IP is private or not. Here's some Javascript: https://gist.github.com/zyphlar/8e7b2017a5d925ddd12c

Coming from Rails, I know that DRY (don't repeat yourself) is a virtue. In my Symfony PHP project, I was faced with copy-pasting a hundred lines in order to test a bunch of methods in PHPUnit. So, I wrote a quick wrapper to take in the arguments as minimally as possible instead of cluttering up the...

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Posted on 05 Apr 2014 by Will Uncategorized

How The Internet Really Works: A Hands-On Crash Course from Ethernet to HTTP using Wireshark

Screenshot from 2014-04-04 22:24:37Whether you're a hacker, IT pro, coder, or just curious, it helps to know exactly how the Internet works: you may understand the idea of connections, but do you understand all the protocols and steps that...

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Posted on 12 Feb 2014 by Will Uncategorized

Many people have been asking me about starting hackerspaces/makerspaces lately. I'm going to use this post to aggregate their questions and my answers.

What do you think about doing a Kickstarter for seed money?

It's possible, but "the HeatSync Way" is to find your people first. To do this kind...

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Posted on 07 Feb 2014 by Will Uncategorized

This is a cached copy of a blog post from www.farmckon.net/2012/09/there-are-no-structureless-groups/‎ because I think this is a valuable thing to keep and share about so-called "leaderless" organizational structures. I'm not the author.

There are no structureless groups

In the past, one o...

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1-month update! See the bottom of the post.

6-month update! See the bottom again.

1-year update! Seriously, see the bottom.

2-year update at the bottom!

Finally, a 3-year update!


As a programmer I needed a laptop that was powerful, lightweight, had a keyboard I liked, and ran Li...

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Posted on 12 Dec 2013 by Will Uncategorized

I just got a message on the HeatSync Labs Facebook account asking about how we started; figured I'd post it here since it's a common (and necessary) question:


What was the goal when Heatsync was still in its building phase?

To create a place that removes obstacles to people making things;...

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Posted on 07 Dec 2013 by Will Uncategorized


I decided I wanted to make 120 volt AC things get switched on and off via a 24 volt DC signal -- so I bought a nice 10amp, 240volt relay at the local Circuit Specialists electronic store and started wiring stuff up as best to code as I know how. (Every time I see this kind of project online, t...

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Posted on 02 Nov 2013 by Will Uncategorized


The Phoenix-area collab spaces have their own Movember this year, in which we have a mustache/beard grow-off for charity!

Everyone else at HeatSync Labs appears to have chickened out except for the amazing Austin "Scorche" Appel, so I've gotta take one for the team and together we can show...

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Posted on 24 Sep 2013 by Will Uncategorized

Someone shared with me an article from the Forbes blog The Apothecary (link here: http://is.gd/5rTNEa -- not a direct link because I don't want to support the guy's PageRank) which claims "Obamacare Will Increase Health Spending By $7,450 For A Typical Family of Four." There was some debate about wh...

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So you're trying to get some random program to work when you run exec() or shell_exec() via PHP in Windows; it works when you run it from the command line, but not when you run the same exact script via the web. Maybe it even returns an elusive 255 retval error code.

The first thing you should do...

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Posted on 23 Mar 2013 by Will Uncategorized

The heat killed the 3.5mm line-in port on my car, it wouldn't sense the cord being plugged in and I had to pull it to one side to get it to work. Fortunately you can pull off the cover and pull out the plug from the front without tearing apart the whole dash. Then I soldered a wire between the senso...

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Posted on 22 Mar 2013 by Will Uncategorized

I'm tasked with localizing a huge Rails app, and it's no fun, so I found some tools to help me and made a couple tools myself.

I now have a great script workflow that:

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Posted on 17 Mar 2013 by Will Uncategorized

All the diagrams I found online sucked, so I quickly drew a slightly better one. Hosted here for posterity.Basic Lathing Operations

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Posted on 06 Feb 2013 by Will Uncategorized

Apparently the kerfluffle du jour is about meritocracy in the tech industry. I first stumbled across some tweets about "meritocracy" and then clicked back to an article written earlier today; I'm no expert on this debate but I did have one observation to make.

When I hear about meritocracy i...

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Are you a business owner or accountant who does a bunch of business via PayPal? I am, and I hate figuring out how to account for PayPal fees in QuickBooks by hand. I asked a fellow HeatSync Labs member, Mark from Hypoxic, what he does and he has this script to automatically separate out the fees int...

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So I spent ~20 hours of time isolating and working around an old, as-yet-unfixed openssl bug in Ubuntu 12.04. When using this code to connect to an HTTPS/SSL/TLS1.0 SOAP server:

ini_set( "soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0" ); $objSoapClient = new SoapClient( 'https://EXAMPLE.COM/EXAMPLEWSDLPATH', arr...

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Posted on 04 Oct 2012 by Will Uncategorized

So let's say you have a crazy client who needs some crazy front-end stuff because you're not able to touch the back-end stuff! You need to save people's form fields across reloads, etc. Cookies to the rescue! https://gist.github.com/zyphlar/3831934

Posted on 20 Sep 2012 by Will Uncategorized

Ever wanted to make a twitter sign? Of course you have. I do too, so I made one! My goal was to have minimal hardware so that the sign can easily be mounted anywhere, so I used a Linksprite WiFi DiamondBack Arduino to connect wirelessly to the Internet and control the sign.

But first, how to g...

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Posted on 15 Sep 2012 by Will Uncategorized

Got an IP webcam but need to show it on your website? Cheap cameras frequently have crappy interfaces or login requirements. Using CURL and PHP, you can work around a number of issues while also hiding the username/password/port your webcam is actually on.

With a bit more work, you could even cach...

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Posted on 24 Jul 2012 by Will Uncategorized

I've got a tiny cheap computer from Alix that I'm trying to set up as a digital display. The trick was getting it to open Chrome on startup, and setting the screen resolution correctly on widescreen TVs that apparently don't report their preferred resolutions like monitors do.

Here's a script...

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Posted on 26 Jun 2012 by Will Uncategorized

I needed a quick way to check how many calls were going to voicemail versus being dropped or answered, since the CDR in my version of FreePBX doesn't show such detail. Might be useful for other logfile parsing (with regex!).

Here's the code: https://gist.github.com/zyphlar/2994842

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Posted on 07 Jun 2012 by Will Uncategorized

So you might have heard about the LinkedIn password hack the other day. Maybe you've changed your password, anywhere that your LinkedIn password was used! Good. Us admins still have to worry, though. Here's why:

The vast, vast majority of passwords especially for social media will be 6-8 character...

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Shadow copies and VSS writers are pains in the ass. Sometimes you'll try to shutdown Windows and it'll freeze for hours stuck at the "Windows is shutting down" screen because it can't shut down the VSS shadow copy providers are also hung.

To get around this, I'll usually shut down those servers wi...

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Do you have (or want) an IP camera that uploads video to an FTP server, but frustrated because all IP cameras seem to do is upload still frame JPEGs? Frustrate no more! I have written a Linux shell/bash script that timestamps and video-fies these images into video for your consumption.

Behold: htt...

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Posted on 06 May 2012 by Will Uncategorized

When I set up a new website, I like to put a basic welcome page in the public_html folder to test that it's working and look halfway decent. Here's what I use. It just echoes the hostname from PHP, thus providing feedback that both Apache and PHP are working (along with DNS, hopefully)

Code: https...

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Posted on 16 Mar 2012 by Will Uncategorized

It can be a pain to add new monitors in Nagios -- so I made a script!

Check it: https://gist.github.com/zyphlar/2051455

I've got this simple digital signage script floating around that I repurpose a lot. Recently added Asterisk logs to it, so I can see minor fluctuations and trends like lagged peers in addition to other stuff I've written like my Nagios monitor. Here's the script! https://gist.github.com/zyphlar/...

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Posted on 14 Feb 2012 by Will Uncategorized

Hot on the heels of my Arduino Nagios Display, I've made a kit version of the LED matrix that is much easier to assemble! It's daisy-chainable, so you only need however many rows you want. Perfect for workshops where you want to introduce someone to shift registers and LED matrixes but don't want to...

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Posted on 10 Feb 2012 by Will Uncategorized

Reviewing my system, I realized one script I take advantage of the most is a logging script I made years ago to track logins.

I mainly use it to see who is using which computer, saving on guesswork and coming in very handy when troubleshooting weird problems. It also comes in handy when tracking d...

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You may realize that giving out admin rights (i.e. adding someone to the Administrators group) is a bad thing. But your boss and/or favorite employee might be demanding that they need them in order to do their job. You feel stuck. What do you do?

First, you need to learn something: the Administra...

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Posted on 06 Feb 2012 by Will Uncategorized

I recently waded into a debate about whether people in an organization should be given local administrator access to their machines.

Now firstly, this violates the principle of least privilege, which is what all of security is based on. You don't get it unless you need it; you get the minimal pr...

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Posted on 26 Jan 2012 by Will Uncategorized

_This is a comment I posted on Paul Gregory's Forbes post about Mr. Buffet's Secretary's salary-- saying that for her to be paying less than him (assuming a 15% rate) then she'd have to be making over $200k, meaning she's not such a poster child for injustice after all. (I guess God only has pity...

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Posted on 25 Jan 2012 by Will Uncategorized

Getting notified by SMS is better than via email, I think, because then you can tell the difference between midnight spam and a server fire. Here's my command for sending a shortened message (to #yournumber#@YourCarrierSMSGateway.com)

Add these to your commands.cfg and then change your contact set...

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Posted on 24 Jan 2012 by Will Uncategorized

I like the Whiteline icon set for Nagios' statusmap cgi, but it's too big; here it is resized to 40px wide and I added an Ubuntu icon as well.

Download: whiteline.zip

See my earlier Nagios post

Posted on 12 Jan 2012 by Will Uncategorized

Sometimes padlocks, zip ties, sternly-worded signs and keyed ignitions just don't cut it. Maybe what you're looking for is something more like...

...a web-enabled RFID interlock loosely based on 23b's Open Access Control system? Indeed! This is a horrible photo, but inside the lovingly-crafted...

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Posted on 13 Dec 2011 by Will Uncategorized

The Minecraft release party, MineCon, was this year in Las Vegas. In a flash of inspiration, I knew I'd found my first cosplay opportunity. Most people would wear cardboard boxes, which isn't very Vegas. What Minecraft-themed costume would fit Vegas, aside from old people in sweatpants gambling thei...

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Posted on 13 Dec 2011 by Will Uncategorized

The movie 'Hackers' came out in 1995, when I was still in elementary school. So by the time I grew up and watched it (along with the Matrix and Tron) I knew that the kinds of computer visualization depicted in those movies was something I wanted. I'm a very visual person (and I think computers are g...

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Posted on 17 Sep 2011 by Will Uncategorized

People want lots of money these days for digital signage, but lots of it is mediocre at best and especially lacking in third-party data sources. How much money is it worth to edit HTML by hand? About the cost of decent digital signage software! So I made my own with pure Javascript and JQuery goodne...

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Posted on 13 Sep 2011 by Will Uncategorized

So you've got Ubuntu 11.04 and think you'll use Nagios and its fun plugin, NRPE, to monitor your cloud servers, right? Sure! There are some gotchas though. Read on. Note: You may want to check out check_mk instead of NRPE as it is reportedly sexier. For readability I'll start with the remote serve...

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Posted on 08 Sep 2011 by Will Uncategorized

Why buy an expensive disk or flash drive duplicator when you can make one yourself with Linux for free or cheap?

Here are the cloning scripts you can use to copy a disk and then write it back to a large number of target disks. Modify the IMAGE.img and /dev/DEVICE as desired (each "of=" is another...

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Posted on 01 Sep 2011 by Will Uncategorized

This is the line I put in a Scheduled Task to download a remote directory and save it locally. You should be able to use it in reverse to upload something.

"C:Program FilesWinSCPWinSCP.exe" /console /log=winscp.log /command "option batch on" "option confirm off" "open USERNAME:PASSWORD@EXAMPLE.com...

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Posted on 19 Aug 2011 by Will Uncategorized

Ever needed to access, or maintain access, to a computer that's behind a firewall? Just run one of these commands on that computer (in Linux or maybe Mac) and you'll get a tunnel to that computer's port 22 (SSH) over whatever port you type for the PORTNUM in the examples below.

First example: ssh...

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Long pretentious blog titles are apparently my new thing.

One big problem I have had in trying to use cloud infrastructure for Real World Applications is that a huge percentage of those apps (or their protocols) don't communicate securely. For example, I just set up an SMB share (Windows fileshare...

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Posted on 26 Jul 2011 by Will Uncategorized

So I'm teaching a friend how to set up Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Here's my version of teaching you how to do it.


• Download and install Ubuntu (Server or Desktop.) See instructions here. Install with the default options, or just run the Desktop version from USB.



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Posted on 25 Jul 2011 by Will Uncategorized

This was a comment I posted to this topic on DreamInCode forums.

The most frustrating part of R'ing T F'ing M is usually "ok but how do I do this thing I want to do?" I see MSDN now has a Remarks section with Common Tasks, so as long as what you want to do is there I could see that being an impr...

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Posted on 10 Jul 2011 by Will Uncategorized


image image image


HeatSync Labs is having a vintage videogame night soon, led by the inimitable Corey Renner, and it inspired me not only to break out my Intellivision but to honor the granddaddy of electronic gaming, Tennis for Two.

The original was made with basic electrical devices in 1958, but to...

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Posted on 03 Jun 2011 by Will Uncategorized

Hacker in the original sense.

These "caveats" are derived and repurposed from the Zen Caveats. Funny how well Zen and technology fit together. Many are presented without modification. If you like this, try reading the Rootless Root.

  • Following the rules and protecting the regulations is b...
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Posted on 01 May 2011 by Will Uncategorized

Linux webservers like Ubuntu (and CentOS, etc) can sometimes be confusing for new admins who aren't sure how to do proper backups or migrate websites and databases between servers. It takes awhile, but you eventually get a toolkit of scripts, commands, or techniques that work for you. If you're luck...

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Posted on 23 Mar 2011 by Will Uncategorized

While trying to install AFS ImageDepot Express for a user, I ran into some issues, namely the following error:

unable to configure local datasource

as well as a problem with "exclusive access to file" when trying to change the datasource in the program. Turns out that by giving the user Modi...

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Posted on 15 Feb 2011 by Will Uncategorized

I just moved a Concrete5 website from one Ubuntu server to another, yet for some reason submitting an email form (a Form block) results in some major errors-- looking in the Concrete5 log under /dashboard/reports/logs shows an "Unable to send mail" error.

Here's how I fixed it. The problem occurs...

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Posted on 25 Oct 2010 by Will Uncategorized

I recently joined in a discussion on the Spiceworks Forums, reprinted here for your benefit.

First a lesson on what Class A/B/C means, and then a suggestion for supernetting:

The Class A/B/C designations are more or less meaningless now as we have CIDR (classless subnets) to give us nearly w...

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Posted on 23 Oct 2010 by Will Uncategorized

You've probably heard of test-driven programming, where the first thing a developer writes is an automated test, not the actual program code. This way when the code is written, it can instantly and repeatedly be tested to see if it works.

Why not do the same in an IT department, or any other endea...

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Posted on 18 Aug 2010 by Will Uncategorized

How can an inexperienced "tech guy" help his organization IT-wise, if outsourcing isn't on the table?

As an unwittingly frequent mentor to technical hopefuls, it's hard to draw the line between "sure just follow these steps" and "it's over your head, outsource if at all possible." How do you disti...

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Posted on 22 Jul 2010 by Will Uncategorized

Here's the slides from my Technical Brownbag today at Gangplank.

Thanks for having me, guys! Please comment on your thoughts or anything you have to add.

Edit: One of the biggest security holes is the HTTPS issue. Please please PLEASE install and use an SSL cert on every webserver you run. Word...

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Posted on 08 Jul 2010 by Will Uncategorized

Woman holding two cell phones at onceMost people are blissfully unaware of what security means in the 21st century, despite using 21st-century technology daily. Many nerds are aware of attacks like viruses, trojans, and phishing, and many computer users are familiar with the idea that passwords are important and that their hard drives'...

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In order to login via Remote Desktop on Windows XP, you must be a member of the local machine's Remote Desktop Users group. This is slightly different than on Windows Server, where you can modify the permissions of Terminal Services and define custom groups to be allowed access.

Additionally, you'...

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Posted on 13 Apr 2010 by Will Uncategorized

I recently had my car serviced for an intermittent, weird noise-- it's 3 years old and just started making a weird clutch noise over the past few months. My experience was pretty average (read: mildly frustrating) and my response to a Honda phone survey resulted in a disappointed voicemail from Davi...

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Posted on 09 Jan 2010 by Will Uncategorized

This is a comment I posted on WebProWorld after a quick Google search to see what the consensus was on right nav in webdesign. It represents my current analysis of the issue.

I think, when designing your site, you should know which direction visitors' eyes will go. In L-to-R reading countrie...

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Posted on 11 Dec 2009 by Will Uncategorized

Better code for doing a date-based countdown in Javascript. The top results on Google appear to have been written in 1990 and are unnecessarily cumbersome-- here's a version I wrote for a quick Christmas "countdown" webpage.

One major advantage to my version is that it compensates for the date in...

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Posted on 03 Dec 2009 by Will Uncategorized

This is a reply to a post here: http://gangplankhq.com/2009/11/gangplank-looking-to-move-downtown/

Whether Tempe is a poser or Phoenix is sucky or Chandler is a thriving tech incubator is somewhat diluted by their public perception. I think perception is reality-- if the public thinks something,...

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Posted on 03 Jan 2009 by Will Uncategorized

This site is the personal blog counterpart to my professional site, zyphon.com

Posted on 02 Jan 2009 by Will in Philosophy

This was originally posted as a comment to http://mutiny.in/2009/01/01/divided-we-stand and inspired me to add similar philosophical discussions to my blog in the future. The thesis of the original post was, is complete globalization necessary to achieve peace?  My thoughts below.

Globalization in...

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This just in: the Monte Carlo Hotel in Las Vegas is on fire. Stay tuned for pictures, coming as soon as wireless networks will allow.


Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6Picture 7Picture 8Picture 9Picture 10Picture 11

Update: Photo credits Jason Gordy. "Fire started just before 11am. " "[not a terrorist attack], noone’s hurt, everyone’s rescued, nobo...

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Posted on 25 Jan 2008 by Will in Philosophy

We're sensitized to the wrong things and desensitized to the right things. We worry about bird flu but don't take our daily vitamins. We call 9/11 and Katrina wake-up calls, but then fail to follow through with adequate action.


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Posted on 21 Oct 2006 by Will in News

I just caught a bit on the news about Armitage's "Notify and Walk" suggestion. Hey, for a former Bush official and someone who loves to gossip about the secret identities of CIA spies, he's got a point.

Earlier this week, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage suggested a gradual...

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Posted on 20 Oct 2006 by Will in News

It's kind of hard to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis when you are firing a quarter of a million bullets per day in their homeland.

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