It took me way too long to figure out how to dump an xml document or xml node to a string (memory) or a file export in C, so here are some premade functions ready for use.
void xml\_node\_to\_file(char \*path, xmlDoc \*document, xmlNode \*node) {
FILE \*f;
f = fopen(path, "w");
xmlElemDump (f, document, node);
/\* free the result \*/
char \*xml\_node\_to\_string(xmlDoc \*document, xmlNode \*node)
char \*out;
xmlBufferPtr buffer = xmlBufferCreate();
int size = xmlNodeDump(buffer, document, node, 0, 1);
out = malloc(size);
strcpy(out, (char \*)buffer->content);
return out;
Usage example:
xmlDocPtr document1;
xmlNodePtr root1;
char \*dump1;
document1 = xmlParseDoc((xmlChar \*)"<?xml version=\\"1.0\\"?><root><a></a><b></b></root>");
root1 = xmlDocGetRootElement(document1);
dump1 = xml\_node\_to\_string(document1, root1);
printf("dump1: %s", dump1);
if(dump1) free(dump1);
xml\_node\_to\_file("/tmp/dump1.txt", document1, root1);